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489 results

Extended services: ensuring sustainability using the social enterprise model

This report examines the extent to which social enterprise is used in schools to deliver extended services.

Is initial teacher training failing to meet the needs of all our young people?

The proposition explores whether our teachers are disadvantaged by inadequate and reductionist routes to Qualified Teacher Status.

Neuro-linguistic programming and learning: teacher case studies on the impact of NLP in education

This research paper reports evidence from 24 teacher-led action research case studies.

Financing for all

This policy outlook outlines seven ways that the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative needs to evolve so that it can more effectively and consistently address the education needs of fragile and conflict-affected states.

Effective teaching and learning through active citizenship project

This report aims to provide an outline of the CSV/CfBT Effective Teaching and Learning through Active Citizenship Project.

Education's hardest test: scaling up aid in fragile and conflict-affected states

This Policy Outlook outlines seven challenges that need to be addressed and recommendations for a way forward for donors and the international community.

Student integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a study of the United World College in Mostar

This study is an evaluation of the success or otherwise of the project in encouraging greater integration among student institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Lesson study: enhancing mathematics teaching and learning

This report looks at lesson study, a school-based professional development initiative that aims to enhance teaching and learning through the methodology of professional sharing of practice.

An investigation into the skills needed by Connexions Personal Advisers to develop internet-based guidance

This research study was designed to provide evidence of the skill and competency needs of Connexions practitioners for this area of practice.

Teacher workload reduction research

We are excited to announce that we are again recruiting teachers and schools to work with us and the Department for Education on a teacher workload reduction research programme.