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489 results

Investigating critical learning episodes: a practical guide for continuing professional development

This handbook serves as a resource for CPD policy makers, organisers and leaders who wish to develop programmes of learning that are effective, challenging and relevant to teachers of varying levels of experience.

Professional educators and the evolving role of ICT in schools

This report explores the claims of how technology can improve educational performance.

Financial capability: why is it important and how can it be improved?

This perspective piece is aimed at those with an interest in the development of national financial capability strategies and those who are developing or implementing financial capability programmes.

The ‘hidden givers’: a study of school governing bodies in England

The project analysed the relationship between primary and secondary school governing and school performance and the way this relationship was influenced by the socio-economic setting.

Adult basic skills

Findings from the Education Development Trust (formerly CfBT Education Trust) International Review undertaken to inform continuous improvements in the teaching and learning of adult basic skills. Written and researched by the National Foundation for Educational Research.

Funding the Pupil Premium

This report explored the introduction of the pre-16 Pupil Premium for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Data dictatorship and data democracy

This report presents findings from a nationwide survey of English secondary school teachers on their use of, and attitudes towards, pupil performance and progress data.

Improving coaching: evolution not revolution

This report is based on collaborative research with thirteen schools in four regions of England.

Instinct or reason: how education policy is made and how we might make it better

This report investigates the factors that lie behind the formation of educational policy.

School inspection: recent experiences in high performing education systems

This report focuses on inspection practices in a range of countries with developed education systems, including in particular: England, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore and the Netherlands.