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489 results

Become a Delivery Partner

Partner with EDT to deliver training and support based on the Early Career Framework (ECF).

Become a Delivery Partner

Partner with EDT to deliver training and support based on the Early Career Framework (ECF).

From foundational learning to future readiness: a call to action to tackle the youth crisis in Africa

The African Union (AU) Year of Education is stimulating important discussions about the stark reality of educational underachievement in Africa, and galvinising political will around the urgent and critical need for action. However, solving the foundational learning crisis is not enough – we must also tackle Africa’s youth unemployment crisis.

Tackling the climate crisis at an educational level with Kulima’s Dr Katharine Vincent and EDT’s Donvan Amenya and Rachael Fitzpatrick

The climate crisis is arguably top of the agenda globally, but its impacts on education and the work we need to put into resolving such impacts remains understated. In this episode of Brighter Futures, we’re bringing those issues and necessary resolutions to the forefront. Join a fantastic panel of Kulima’s Dr Katharine Vincent, and EDT’s Donvan Amenya and Rachael Fitzpatrick, as we highlight the interconnected nature of these challenges, and how best to approach these vital solutions.

EDT welcomes the government’s Skills England announcement

EDT welcomes the recent announcement by the UK government on the development of Skills England. We welcome the opportunity to play a fundamental role in the development of an approach that can transform the landscape of skills development in England. We are ready to contribute our research, labour market information, programme delivery, and employer engagement resources and expertise to support this important initiative and help build a more skilled and adaptable workforce for the future.

Supporting girls’ transitions across the education system and into work

The transitions from school to higher education and employment can have a significant impact on an individual’s lifetime potential. Earlier in 2023, we conducted a literature review to help us understand the challenges that girls in low-resource settings face when making their transitions. In this article we reflect on the findings of the report, the promising interventions it highlights, and some key lessons for policymakers.

How to improve early years education for all with Busy Bees Nurseries' Gill Jones MBE, early years consultant Jan Dubiel, and EDT's Lyn Challender

A child’s early years are arguably the most important in their development, so the quality of early years education should be paramount. Whether we have consensus on what is needed for this vital age group, the priority areas of improvement, and how we address inequity of early learning experiences are all conversations at the heart of episode 9 of Brighter Futures.

NPQ for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

Professional development for current and aspiring school executive leaders

Future Forward

Bridging the gap between young people and opportunities in employment, education, or training in West Yorkshire.

EDT provides technical assistance through SCALE programme, to improve foundational learning outcomes

We are delighted to announce that EDT is contributing to FCDO’s Scaling Access and Learning in Education (SCALE) programme, which aims to improve foundational learning outcomes around the world.