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489 results

Bridging programmes

Preparation for undergraduate study through the medium of English.

Reflecting language diversity in children’s schooling: moving from ‘Why multilingual education’ to ‘How?’

This research and learning project started as a way to learn more about the chances for pilot mother tongue based multilingual education projects to become scaled up within the school systems in which they were operating.

Raising the participation age

Using the term ‘raising of the participation age’ (RPA) when referring to both aspects of the legislation, this pamphlet explains how the RPA will radically change the definition of what counts as being in education and training compared with today.

Worldwide provision to develop gifts and talents

This report explored the provision of gifted education.

Department for Education white paper amplifies commitment to teacher professional development

Last week, the Department for Education (DfE) published its white paper, Opportunity for All, setting out government policy priorities for the school system in England. The document contains both important new announcements and a renewed and expanded commitment to existing policy principles in areas such as teacher professional development and support for vulnerable individual students.

Young Gifted and Talented: Journeys through Australia, China, South Africa and the United States of America

Between March and May 2009, 40 teachers visited four countries: Australia, China, South Africa and the United States of America. The purpose of their visits was to explore the provision of education for gifted and talented students.

Tackling bullying, using evidence, learning lessons

This document summarises the findings of a development and research (D&R) project that focused on tackling bullying in Coventry schools.

Tackling childhood obesity within schools: A review of interventions

The aim of this review is to enable the UAE education sector and policy makers to think about how they could incorporate schools-based interventions into the wider strategy to tackle childhood obesity.

Developing a gifted and talented strategy: lessons from the UK experience

This report looks at research issues relating to giftedness, in addition to the practical experience of schools in the UK 1999-2009.

Safe and Special: An evaluation of bullying prevention methods involving pupils with special needs and disabilities

This summary aims to provide an outline of research into the use of bullying prevention methods with pupils with special educational needs (SEN).