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489 results

An awareness of neuroscience in education

This project sought to establish whether teaching pupils about the brain could impact upon their beliefs about their own intelligence and ultimately positively impact on their academic performance.

Leadership: building high-performing and improving education systems

This review looks at key aspects of policy and practice relating to headteachers: their changing role; management of supply; recruitment; performance management; training and development.

Systems and structures

This review looks at the way high-performing and improving education systems share out power and responsibility. Resources can be critical to achieving policy implementation.

School self-evaluation for school improvement

School self-evaluation can be a fundamental force in achieving school improvement and this review establishes key debates and what the implications are for self-evaluation as a means of leading school improvement.

Quality assurance and accountability

This review focuses on quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation, and the use of these methods to drive educational improvement and accountability; addressing structures, responsibilities, processes, tools and models of evaluation.

Teachers: building high-performing and and improving education systems

This review addresses the characteristics of effective teachers, tackles the problems in recruiting and securing the best candidates to teaching roles and identifies best practice in not only recruiting, but also deploying and retaining teachers.

Raising maths attainment through enhanced pedagogy and communication

Results from a large-scale 'teacher-level' randomised controlled trial which investigated adult learning in numeracy.

Improving outcomes for young offenders

This review of international approaches to education and interventions for young people in custody identifies differences between judicial systems, and in particular youth justice systems, across the world.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits BLF work in Rwanda

On Thursday 23rd June 2022, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in Rwanda to attend the Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). Whilst visiting Kigali, we were proud to share our Building Learning Foundations (BLF) programme with the Prime Minister, where he took part in activities and was able to experience the impact BLF is making in Rwanda’s education system.

The chair of the school governing body in England

This research by Professor Chris James of the University of Bath documents the results of an extensive survey of chairs of school governing bodies and headteachers and has a number of new and substantive insights.