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489 results

Evidence that counts: what happens when teachers apply scientific methods to their practice

As the debate about the nature and generation of education evidence becomes centre stage globally this report leads the way. Twelve teacher-led randomised controlled trials and other styles of experimental research demonstrate the potential of serving teachers to carry out research that applies scientific method with rigour. The teachers planned, conducted, analysed and wrote up their research, which they have presented in a conference poster format.

Teaching as a research-engaged profession

This is the first in a series of three reports that collectively provide a commentary on research awareness and research use within schools in England.

Research Leads: current practice, future prospects

This report is the third of three publications that collectively provide a commentary on research awareness and research use within schools in England.

The school Research Lead

This is the second of three publications that collectively provide a commentary on research awareness and research use within schools in England.

Language trends Wales 2015/16

Language Trends Wales 2015/16 is the second in a series of annual reports on foreign language teaching in Welsh schools.

Rapid school improvement

This report looks at the experience of an unusually interesting group of schools in England, in which a dramatic improvement in school quality had taken place over a short period of time.

Redistributing excellence

This report explored the role that teacher redistribution can play in supporting equitable workforce planning in the UK context.

Language trends 2015/16

Language Trends 2016 is the 14th in a series of annual reports charting the health of language learning in English schools.

Interesting cities: five approaches to urban school reform

Our latest report is a pioneering comparison of the approaches used to improve school standards in five diverse cities around the world: London, New York, Dubai, Rio de Janeiro and Ho Chi Minh City.

Enhancing our National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and Early Career Framework (ECF) programme

Following the recent Ofsted Lead Provider Monitoring Visit on Education Development Trust’s (EDT’s) delivery of the Department for Education’s National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and Early Career Framework (ECF) programmes, the report has now been published.