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Making a Difference

Funding for this programme has now ended and we are no longer able to accept registrations.

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Funding for this programme has now ended and we are no longer able to accept registrations.

Making a Difference supported over 5,000 unemployed or economically inactive participants in the North East and Leeds City Region of England, helping them to become either job-search ready or move into paid employment.

Through Making a Difference, each participant was supported by an employment coach, providing careers support, coaching and mentoring to help customers to make progress towards their learning and employment goals.

The programme teams also worked with local employers to provide access to a wide variety of employer-led activities, such as job tasters, conferences and jobs fairs, all to support each participant in getting closer to the job market.

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The programme has been invaluable, and I would highly recommend it. The staff are approachable and supportive.
Simon, a Making a Difference programme participant