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Research 16/10/2024

Raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy through a teacher coaching programme: a case study from Brunei Darussalam

By Tony McAleavy, Dr Louise Pagden

Literacy and numeracy matter. Without proficiency in these foundational skills, students cannot succeed in their education or future careers. The case study from Brunei described in this report provides a practical example of how learning outcomes in this area can be improved through the power of teacher coaching.

In this report, we explore how the Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Programme (LNCP) – developed by Brunei’s Ministry of Education with technical assistance from EDT – has had a positive impact on teaching standards and student learning outcomes. Dialogic teaching, lesson structure, task design, and assessment for learning have all improved since the start of the programme.

We also highlight Brunei’s impressive 2022 PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) results, which showed a dramatic improvement in the attainment of 15-year-olds in science, mathematics and reading literacy, despite the disruptions to education brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. The improvement in Brunei’s PISA scores in reading literacy between 2018 and 2022 was the largest of all participating countries worldwide.


Raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy through a teacher coaching programme: A case study from Brunei Darussalam

This report describes a successful teacher support and development intervention intended to improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes of students in government schools in Brunei Darussalam. Literacy and numeracy matter; they are often described as foundational skills. Without proficiency in these areas, students cannot succeed across the wider curriculum and are unlikely to progress after school into higher education and, ultimately, well-paid professional jobs. The case study from Brunei described here provides a practical example of how learning outcomes can be improved in this important area, through the power of coaching for teachers.

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