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Research 20/05/2022

Donors' engagement: supporting education in fragile and conflict-affected states

By Laura Brannelly, Susy Ndaruhutse, Carole Rigaud

This research set out to examine the changing nature of donors' engagement in supporting education in fragile and conflict-affected states.

This report outlines lessons learned and emerging good practice. A detailed examination was undertaken of the policies and practices of three main donors - the European Commission, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - and two leading international non-governmental organisations - the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children UK. In addition, a field visit to Liberia was carried out to obtain a more detailed country perspective, and to map the research findings.

The research findings highlight the increased recognition of the importance of education in fragile and conflict-affected states within the international community. The authors point to the role of key champions such as the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies have played in successfully advocating significant policy and financial commitments to education in such situations. 


Donors' engagement: supporting education in fragile and conflict-affected states

This research set out to examine the changing nature of donors' engagement in supporting education in fragile and conflict-affected states.

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Donors' Engagement Supporting Education In Fragile And Conflict Affected States Cover 180X255

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