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Insight 01/01/2021

Annual Impact Review 2019-20

At Education Development Trust, the impact of our work is critical to all we do. 2019/20 was an exceptional year in many ways, as we rapidly adapted and pivoted our programmes and research to meet the needs of learners, educators and leaders around the world during the Covid-19 crisis. In this report, the second of our Annual Impact Reviews, we present the ways in which our work has made a positive difference – both in rising to the education challenges of the pandemic and in more broadly furthering our mission to improve lives by transforming education worldwide.

Following the publication of our first Annual Impact Review in 2018/19, this second review enables us to demonstrate not only the significant work we have been doing to consistently measure our impact across our diverse range of programmes and research, but also to reflect on the progress we have made in our work over the past year.

Despite the disruption of a global pandemic, we engaged 2.4 million learners – 100,000 more individuals than the year before. We also worked with 96,500 education practitioners, 800 system leaders and over 800 local partners to build local capacity and leave a sustainable impact.

This year, the work of our teams has – among many other things – enabled the development of radio broadcast lessons for primary pupils in Rwanda, quality assurance for remote learning in the United Arab Emirates, and learning continuity for thousands of marginalised girls in Kenya. It has enabled teachers to receive specialist support to help them improve their practice and navigate remote learning, and over 93,000 people to benefit from our expert careers’ guidance in the UK. Meanwhile, our research and consultancy teams have continued to work alongside ministries, donors and non-governmental organisations to design sustainable solutions and build capacity in education systems around the world.


Annual Impact Review 2019-20

At Education Development Trust, the impact of our work is critical to all we do. 2019/20 was an exceptional year in many ways, as we rapidly adapted and pivoted our programmes and research to meet the needs of learners, educators and leaders around the world during the Covid-19 crisis. In this report, the second of our Annual Impact Reviews, we present the ways in which our work has made a positive difference – both in rising to the education challenges of the pandemic and in more broadly furthering our mission to improve lives by transforming education worldwide.

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