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Pathways Stories

Sally's story: Getting the right support to move forward

Sally, age 53 from West Yorkshire, started her journey on Pathways to Progress with low confidence. She had been out of work for over a year.

Sally's goals

After struggling with her mental wellbeing, Sally was keen to have one-to-one support and meet her Key Worker Lisa in person. In their first session they discussed her aims for joining the programme.

Sally wanted to focus on building her confidence and self-esteem as well as increasing her social connections.

Her ultimate goal was to return to work, so she wanted to build her employability skills too.

Personalised one-to-one support

During their one-to-one sessions, Sally and Lisa first organised an action plan to help Sally reach her goals. They then started the steps needed to reach those goals.

The help that Pathways provided included:

  • Accessing wellbeing support
  • Exploring work and training options
  • Building employability skills

Lisa helped Sally to access the wellbeing support she needed through various strands of the National Health Service, including Social Prescribers and Mental Health practitioners.

“The support I have received has been very enjoyable and informative as well as fun.”
Sally, Pathways to Progress participant
Building wellbeing and confidence

Pathways also accessed their flexible fund to enable Sally to download and use the wellbeing app, Headspace.

With these initial steps and regular motivation from her one-to-one meetings with Lisa, Sally soon gained the confidence to move towards building her employability skills. Lisa researched activities and courses with Sally until she felt comfortable making decisions around what she wanted to do.

The future

Sally is now volunteering at her local community centre and has completed a Food and Hygiene, Level 2 course. 

To help support her physical and mental wellbeing Sally is also accessing Healthy Minds Wellbeing walks and feels she has more get up and go and is being more proactive.

“I am so proud of how far Sally has come on her journey. She is now glowing with having the right support”
Lisa, Sally's Key Worker

If you, or someone you know, would like to access the free help that Pathways to Progress can offer, click through here to book an appointment.