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Girls' Education Challenge


A holistic, six-year project specifically designed to strengthen the transition of these girls from primary into either secondary school or alternative, productive livelihood pathways. Our work was focused on the most marginalised girls, so geographically we work in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) and the poorest urban areas in Kenya.   

The programme aimed to reach 500,000 marginalised girls in seven countries by 2024, and equip girls and boys, teachers and leaders with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to build a more gender-equitable society.  

As well as improving academic, access and training opportunities and outcomes, the Girls’ Education Challenge developed girls’ awareness of their own socio-emotional wellbeing, resilience and sexual and reproductive health – knowledge that helps them remain in education.  

In 2022, girls’ survey responses reflected an increase in self-confidence in their own agency to mitigate barriers to development of their future, rising in six months from 89% (2021) to 93%.

Key points

  • Our work was focused on the most marginalised girls, so geographically we worked in arid and semi-arid lands and the poorest urban areas in Kenya.
  • The programme aimed to reach 500,000 marginalised girls in seven countries by 2024, and equip girls and boys, teachers and leaders with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to build a more gender-equitable society.
  • In 2022, girls’ survey responses reflected an increase in self-confidence in their own agency to mitigate barriers to development of their future, rising in six months from 89% (2021) to 93%.


The programme engaged with over 2000 teachers in across more than 500 schools to provide training and professional development designed to improve learning outcomes. Following this training, pupil assessment scores have improved in both literacy and numeracy – endline reports from spring 2023 showed there was an overall increase of 11% in average literacy scores in the intervention group from baseline to endline, alongside an increase of 12% in mathematics.