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Engeza is a technical assistance (TA) hub supporting foundational literacy and numeracy programmes across Sub-Saharan Africa. Working in partnership with the Gates Foundation, EDT’s role is to manage the $1.5 million Engeza fund and operate the hub.

The aim of Engeza is to improve foundational learning at scale. It is based on the understanding that targeted, specialist TA is key to designing, implementing, and maximising the impact of large-scale foundational learning programmes. Engeza supports government agencies and education development partners through TA assignments lasting from one to 12 months. For each assignment we develop the scope of work, appoint and deploy specialist TA providers, and embed a quality assurance function.

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Engeza was launched in June 2024 and will run until April 2026.

Visit the Engeza website


We have created a pool of TA providers with expertise in areas such as structured pedagogy, curriculum development, learning materials, assessments, inclusivity, teacher professional development, languages of instruction, and other thematic areas of work. We are also capturing what we learn about providing technical assistance support and sharing it with the wider education community through events, our Knowledge Base, and LinkedIn.