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Global Dialogue

We believe education holds the key to ensuring quality learning, improved life chances, and thriving economies, but how exactly requires thoughtful focus on the evidence as to what really works, and practical steps to translate this evidence into meaningful, actionable policy. 

This day event will draw together a range of global experts, including education ministers, other policymakers and funders. We will facilitate discussion on the challenges and opportunities across the education life cycle through the lens of three key stages: early childhood education, school-aged learning, and future readiness. We'll also examine some of the key components required to transform education - technology, workforce professionalism and leadership. And we’d like you to share your latest thinking on leadership during our afternoon session.

This event will include a morning plenary session featuring technical introductions to the topics and a panel discussion, followed by concurrent deep-dive sessions into each of the three life stages which will be interactive with all attendees. In the afternoon, we will come together again to examine the key components mentioned above and how these elements can work in different contexts to support transformational education systems.


This event is invitation only, if you are interested in attending please click here.

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